Experience Matters

Experience Matters

experience matters

All types of experience matter – not only a wide work experience, but life experience with personal development throughout one’s lifetime.


Honing one’s talents and skills begins generally in childhood, taking many years of ‘Sharpening the Saw’. Life experiences (both good and difficult) become important for understanding oneself and others. Learning to embrace new opportunities for personal development, and being able to visualise and bring about desired opportunities, all increase one’s capacity for learning and growing into one’s full potential.


One of the greatest challenges in one’s teen years in Australia is to accept, manage, and overcome ‘The Tall Poppy Syndrome’.


Only with determination and courage to ‘Know Thyself’, ‘Be True to Yourself’, and ‘Be Your Unique Self’ with your unique gifts, can you demonstrate your valuable talents, skills and experience – in order to be an important influential voice in the crowd. We need to realise that Influence is far more important than Power. I have learned that Lifelong Learning is the key to the most valuable experiences – for all aspects of my life.

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